80 year old male with CKD

  Final exam case report - Long case.

Name: A. Rishi koundinya 

Hall ticket number: 1701006010

Batch - 2017

 "This is an online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This E log book also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box

Dt. 06.06.2022

Chief complaints

80 years old male resident of marrigudem, agriculture labourer by occupation came to OPD with the chief complaints of

 fever - since 3 days

An episode of vomiting 2 days back

Decreased urine output associated with burning micturition since - since 2 days

History of presenting illness

patient is apparently asymptomatic 3 days back. 

He has fever :

      insidious in onset 

      gradually progressive 

      with no diurnal variations 

      Relieved on medication

       Associated with chills, rigors and generalised body pains. It is not associated with cough, cold, shortness of breathe, night sweats.

        Associated with an episode of vomiting 2 days back which is of only food which is non bilious and not foul smelling and colour is same as the food colour.

There is burning micturition which is experienced at the start of the urinary flow and relieved after the urination and decreased urine output since 2 days which is not associated with any hematuria.

Past history

He was with similar complaints in the past 10years ago, then he consulted a local doctor and relieved on medication (may be antibiotics). And there is continuation of such episodes then refered to higher hospital and diagnosed with renal problem (AKI) which was treated with dialysis once and given some diuretics as he is suffering from oliguria.

He has a recurrent episodes of fever with burning micturition later also.

He is known case of hypertension since 24years. Not a known case of diabetes, tuberculosis,asthma and epilepsy.

Surgical history

He underwent a nephrectomy surgery 27yrs ago donated to his brother.

Personal history

Appetite - normal

Diet- mixed

Sleep - adequate

Bowel - regular

Bladder - oliguria since 2 days, associated with burning micturition, feeling of incomplete voiding. 

Allergies- none

Addiction- 3 beedi/ day from 27yrs of age

Alcohol- occasionally 

Stopped both alcohol and smoking after the nephrectomy surgery.

General examination

Patient is conscious, coherent, co operative and well oriented to time, place, and person moderately build and nourished.


There is pallor and pedal edema , but no icterus , cyanosis,clubbing, lymphadenopathy.

Vitals: Febrile 99.2F

Bp- 150/90 mmHg ( on medication)

Pulse rate - 76 BPM

Systemic examination

- cardio vascular examination

            No visible pulsations, scars, engorged veins. No rise in jvp

            Apex beat is felt at 5 ics medial to mid clavicular line.

         S1 S2 heard . No murmurs.

- Respiratory system

           Shape of chest is elliptical, b/l symmetrical.

           Trachea is central. Expansion of chest is symmetrical

          Bilateral Airway E - positive

Per abdomen examination

      No visible pulsations and scars swellings.

      Soft, non tender, no organo megaley.

     Umbilicus is inverted. 



Speech normal

No signs of meningeal irritation 

Cranial nerves: normal

Sensory system: normal

Motor system: normal

Reflexes: Right.     Left. 

Biceps.      ++.          ++

Triceps.    ++.          ++

Supinator ++.         ++

Knee.         ++.         ++

Ankle        ++.         ++

Gait: normal

Pedal edema
There was pedal edema 

Gradually progressive 
Pitting type
Below knees
No local rise of temperature and tenderness 
Grade 2 
Not relived on rest
Not associated with any cardiac, hepatic, venous and respiratory causes.

                  No abdominal distension 


Hemoglobin - 5.5%
Increased WBC count- 19,900

Urea - 129 mg/dl
Creatinine- 6.3 mg/dl

       Urine - pus cells (plenty) - urinary tract inflammation

USG report: 1)Raised echo genicity of right kidney
2) normal size of kidney
3) mild hydronephrosis
4) not visible left kidney


Provisional Diagnosis:
Acute (secondary urosepsis) on chronic kidney disease might be due to recurrent urinary track infection.


Inj. Piptaz -2.25gm/tid

Tab. Lasix -40ug/po/ bd

Tab. Zofer -4mg/po/ sos

Tab. Dolo -650/ po/ sos

Tab. Pan 40mg /po/ od

Nebi. Duolin and Budecort 6hrly

Syr. Mucaine gel 15ml/po/ bd before meal 15min

Syrup. Cremaffin 15ml/po/ sos.


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