32 yr old male with acute pancreatitis

 This is an E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patient's clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputs. This e-log book also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable comments in comment box are most welcomed 

I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of "Patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency i reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with a diagnosis and treatment plan

Chief complaints:

Pain abdomen in the epigastric  region since 10 days

Vomitings 5 days ago

Cold since 6 days

Cough since 5 days


Patient came to OPD with 

C/O abdominal pain in the epigastric region since 10 days which is intermittent aggrevate on palpation and releived on medication and got check at rmp clinci then gave some medication and on fluids and releived then again on the same night he got another episode of similar type of pain and get admitted in suryapet and underwent investigations and diagnosed as pancreatitis and liver cirrhosis  and underwent treatment for 2 days and got discharged

There are 2 episodes of vomiting which is non projectile and non blood stained and content is food particles.

Complaints of cold since 6 days and cough since 5 days which is dry type at beginning and came with expectorant after 3 days and there is shortness of  breath which is on rest

Past history:

7 years ago they went to hospital with complaints of pain in the loin region and decreased Urine output and went to hospital and diagnosed as renal calculi and taken medication and got relieved.

3 years ago there pain in the right hand and tingling numbness along the right hand and went to hospital and diagnosed as cervical C3 C4 disc compression and underwent ayurvedic treatment for 15 days and got relieved.

Personal history: 

Diet mixed

Appetite normal

Sleep adequate 

Bowel and bladder regular

He is alcoholic since 15 years daily , 180ml/ day and chewing of tobacco since 15 years ,1 packet /day. Last alcohol on 5th Oct (binge alcohol for 1 week)


General examination

Patient is c/c/c

No pallor, icterus, clubbing, cyanosis, lymphadenopathy, edema.


BP- 110/70

PR - 80

RR - 18

CVS - S1 S2 heard

R/S - inspection

shape - scaphoid 

No wheeze 

No scars , sinuses present.


no palpable mass,

Trachea- central


Vesicular breath sounds 

decreased breath sounds in right infra scapular and infra axillary area

No dyspnea, no rhonchi.

P/A - 

Inspection - obese abdomen, there are no scars ,sinuses , no distension, no eversion of umbilicus.

Palpation - girth - 113 cm

Tenderness on right iliac fossa, rt  lumbar region, rt hypochondrial epigastric region.

No palpable liver and spleen.




 Chest x-ray 

Diagnosis - Acute interstitial pancreatitis secondary to alcohol consumption with bilateral pleural effusion with grade 1 fatty liver.

Treatment -

1. Inf NS+ RL @75ml/hr

2. Inj. Pan 40mg IV/OD

3. Inj. Optineuron 1 amp in 100ml NS/IV/OD over 30min.

4. O2 inhalation

5. Tab. Ultracet PO/BD

6. Inj. Tramadol 1amp in 100ml NS / IV/sos

7. Allow liquid diet if tolerated start to solid diet.

8 vital monitoring

9. Strict input/output monitoring.


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